August 18, 2011

Drawings by Silent Contactees (2)

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 2:45 pm SCDRAWINGS3

I suspect that these pictures were produced by automatic drawing; they have the fluid vagueness of dream imagery, and an unsettling psychological charge.  Some of the traditional techniques of dream interpretation may help unriddle them.  Before psychiatry, dreams were usually seen as either prophecies or allegories; Freud (to oversimplify) took them as individual, expressing the wishes of the dreamer; Jung saw more a yearning for wholeness, expressed in a common symbolism.  Since these are ostensibly collective images, a Jungian approach may be more appropriate; so I’ll set down a few myths and symbols that may be pertinent.

The first picture (there are twelve in the booklet) shows a bearded figure with antennae, studying a baby in a basket.  It recalls Moses in the bulrushes, of course; but the Biblical story is only one example of a common story.

Perseus was put to sea in a chest; Karna was set afloat in a basket on the Ganges.  One of the earliest examples is the Akkadian emperor Sargon, the conqueror of Sumeria, born of a priestess and cast into the river in a basket.  Many other heroes had a similar beginning: Cyrus, Romulus and Remus, Oedipus, Paris, and Heracles were all left on mountains as infants.  Usually, the hero-to-be is abandoned by one family, and found by another (generally, a prince is rescued by paupers; Moses reverses the formula).

Given all that, are we to read this as a human/alien interchange?  Is a child being rescued by a non-human?  Freud (who was particularly interested in this myth) pointed out that the basket probably symbolizes a womb; and that, crucially, the family is disrupted.

What about those antennae?  Could they be cartoonish shorthand for alien?  Possibly; but royalty did wear horned headdresses in some cultures, including in Mesopotamia.

Other traditional interpretations of a baby in a dream include a dependency on others, or a desire for children.  Sometimes, the baby is said to represent the dreamer.

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